Africalia has teamed up with several international partners to launch the Afrique Créative programme, financed by the French Development Agency (AFD).
This programme – financed by the AFD and implemented by Africalia, Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), Zhu Culture and Bayimba Foundation aims to promote the structuring of the cultural and creative ecosystem by boosting the development, the skill sets and the networking of companies active in this sector in Africa. Afrique Créative addresses operators combining both creativity and entrepreneurship in order to maximize their potential in terms of job creation and economic growth.
In 2019, the first call for applications allowed to support 9 entrepreneurs from 4 countries (Burkina Faso, Morocco, Uganda and Senegal) from September 2019 to October 2021. They received an envelope between 75.000€ and 125.000 € destined to a technic and financial support.
In April 2021, AFD renewed his trust in the consortium in the implementation of this program which permitted the launch of a second call for applications in 9 countries. (Burkina Faso, Ivory coast, Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon, Republic Democratic of Congo, Uganda, Morocco and Tunisia)
From all the received applications , 17 entrepreneurs were selected to participate to the pre-incubation phase. This 12 weeks phase permitted the participants to benefit a support to, amongst others :
• Structure their economics models
• Establish their scaling strategy and define their acceleration goals
• Rework their acceleration project and their call for funds submitted to Afrique Créative
• Work on the financial projections related to their project
• Prepare to pitch their project in front of the final jury
8 entrepreneurs came out as laureates of this period. Learn more about them here
More info : Afrique Créative
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