Africalia reinvents itself !
Africalia invites you to its presentation and the debate "Culture and creativity, vectors of change in Belgium and in Africa" that will take place with three of its partners on Thursday March 29th, 2018 at 10:30 AM at La Bellone (Rue de Flandre 46 Vlaamsesteenweg, 1000 Brussels).
A society nourished by culture and an alternative economy based on creativity is not a dream. These are the goals of the new cultural cooperation programme of Africalia in Africa.
In addition, for the first time in 10 years, Africalia now reconsiders Belgium and the Belgian cultural sector with a new Global Citizenship Education. This term indicates the willingness of several actors working in various artistic fields to address the cultural diversity and plural identities of our country.
All those developments are explained on the new website of Africalia, which showcases the activities organised by Africalia and its partners for the period 2018-2021.
As they are often neglected and abandoned in today’s world, it is crucial to reinsert arts and culture at the center of reflections about the society we are trying to define for the future.
(debate in French)
What are the challenges of the cultural cooperation today ? How does Africalia position itself in this field ? During the presentation, Africalia’s partners will explain their role. As they work directly on the field and are well aware of the goals to achieve, they will demonstrate the impact and the necessity of their activities – at the local, national, regional, continental or international level – and they will express their opinions over the themes that Africalia has chosen to promote in its programme :
* Culture and creativity, vectors of change
* Artistic mobility
* Access to markets
The speakers are : Frédéric Jacquemin (Director of Africalia - Belgium), Faisal Kiwewa (Director of Bayimba Foundation - Uganda), Wend-Lassida Ouedraogo (Coordinator of CNA Afrique - Burkina Faso) and Christophe Galent (Director of Les Halles de Schaerbeek - Belgium). The debate will be moderated by Annabelle Van Nieuwenhuyse (Presenter - Belgium).
The debate will be followed by a cocktail.
It is required to register in advance to attend the presentation.
Please submit a confirmation of your presence, at the latest the 23/03/2018, via email to or by calling +32 (0)2 412 58 80.
Date : 29 March 2018, 10:30 AM
Location : La Bellone, Rue de Flandre 46 Vlaamsesteenweg, 1000 Brussels
Public transports : metro De Brouckère / Sainte Catherine or tram 3 and 4 Bourse
Parking : Q-park, Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains 2 Nieuwe Graanmarkt, 1000 Brussels
Frédéric Jacquemin : Before assuming the position of Director of Africalia, Frédéric Jacquemin worked as an Expert in Cultural Policies at the Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States. In this context, he coordinated the ACP Cultural Observatory, where he conducted research into the creative industries and cultural policies of the ACP countries from 2009 to 2012. He has designed development activities and training programmes in cultural enterprise management in sub-Saharan Africa for the Hicter Foundation and bodies such as Belgian Technical Cooperation, the Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa and the International Organisation of La Francophonie. Frédéric Jacquemin holds an MA in Art History and Archaeology from the Catholic University of Louvain and an MA in Business Administration from the E. Solvay Institute [Université Libre de Bruxelles].
Faisal Kiwewa : Faisal KIWEWA is the founding director of Bayimba Cultural Foundation. Together with a skilful team he has worked to transform the arts scene in Uganda from a rather static state to its current level of vibrancy. Through Bayimba, Faisal has organised a range of festivals, ranging from Bayimba International Festival of the Arts (11th edition) and various festivals across Uganda (between 2010 and 2015). He has been instrumental in introducing the regional forum DOADOA | East African Performing Arts Market (6th edition) and the Kampala International Theatre Festival (4th edition) as well as more recently reviving and reinvigorating the Amakula International Film Festival and the Dance Week Uganda. He is a frequently asked programmer/curator, committee or jury member for various festivals and events across the continent, as well as a regularly invited speaker and trainer.
Wend-Lassida Ouédraogo : Wend-Lassida Ouédraogo studied literature and then management and cultural administration at the University of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. In 2013, he defended a DEA (diploma of advanced studies) thesis in linguistics at the University of Ouagadougou. In addition, he holds a master’s degree in project management from the Institut Supérieur d’Informatique et de Gestion (ISIG), now the Université Aube Nouvelle. He discovered the Travelling Digital Cinema (CNA) in Koudougou through the non-profit Loniya, which was already organising activities with CNA Mali. In 2006, CNA Burkina was created and he became its president. He then worked for a few years at Espace Gambidi as director of cultural programming. In 2009, he became coordinator of CNA Africa, a network of different CNA structures. He still holds this position today.
Christophe Galent : In thirty years, Christophe Galent has worked in various performing arts centres in France, including municipal theatres, arts centres and national theatres. He has been general secretary of Le Volcan, one of the leading French theatres, and project manager at OFF in Avignon. He has edited or co-edited several collections of essays (l’Art en Difficultés, with Cassandre/Horchamps ; Produire la création, with Cantarella, Comolli, Fisbasch, Françon, Jourdheuil, Lagarde, Milin, Mondzain, Tsaï and others), and co-directed Culture(s) : Forces et défis du 21ème siècle. A member of various committees of experts in France and Belgium, he today runs Les Halles de Schaerbeek, one of the most important theatres in Brussels, whose production capacities he has developed. As a member of the International Artistic Committee of MASA (the Market for African Performing Arts), he is involved alongside the festival and the OIF (Intergovernmental Organisation of Francophonie) in support of technical training in Africa.