Screenings of short films

The Caravane du court


The Caravane du court

In the framework of the partnership between FIFF and Africalia through its Global Citizenship Education programme, the Caravane du court presents for the first time a programme from the South.

Two short films are shown during the sreenings in Namur and Liège : Déjà la nuit and Mama Bobo.

Crédits : Mama Bobo

The Caravane du court is a mobile cinema theatre travelling to remote areas. Everyday it stops in a different city or village to meet the locals. The Caravane is a joint initiative by FIFF and Clap ! Bureau d’accueil des tournages in the provinces of Namur, Luxembourg and Liège.

Besides screening short films by young talented film makers, the Caravane reaches out to an audience that usually has limited access to specialised cinema’s compared to those living in bigger cities. The Caravane has public evening shows, but also a programme for schools. The students get a chance to meet the directors, who, in their turn, are confronted with the critical view, the preferences and the expectations of their future audiences.

For the first time and through a collaboration with Africalia, the Caravane welcomes a programme from the South featuring two short films :
Crédits : Déjà la nuit

« Déjà la nuit » (Night already) by Youssef Nathan Michraf (Marocco/France – Fiction – 18 mins.) : 26-year-old Hajar is staying in France for a couple of days. She is accompanying her husband, a 65-year-old business man. She feels so uncomfortable in her relationship that she suddenly walks out on a dinner party to roam the city’s streets, before she takes her life into her own hands.

In the province of Namur, from 26 February to 2 March (details in the flyer - in French)

« Mama Bobo » by Robin Andelfinger and Ibrahima Seydi (Belgium/Senegal – Fiction – 16 mins.) : Mama Bobo, age 83, has been a widow for many years. Every morning, she sits down at the bus stop in the rue Gomis and daydreams about her husband. This routine is abruptly interrupted when the bus stop is removed and replaced by a road works construction site. Her family and neighbours do everything they can to help her find a balance again, before it is too late.

In the province of Liège, from 13 to 16 March (details in the flyer - in French)