A group can apply but the application must be filled in the name of only one person. It is then possible to indicate in the application form that the artist will work with several people / other artists. No matter how many people works with the candidate, the amount of the grant will remain the same, i.e. € 1,500.
If something does not seem clear to you, you can ask us to explain it by being specific about what you do not understand (by e-mail : africalia@africalia.be). If you don’t understand English or French well, ask someone you know to help you.
Only applicants who reside in the mentioned countries are eligible. As a reminder, the countries included in this call are : Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Rwanda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Uganda.
The languages of this program are English and French, so you need to be able to speak one of them in order to communicate with us. Nevertheless, concerning the language of your work, it is up to you, you can choose the language you want.
The projects will be selected by the members of the jury. This jury is composed of three English-speaking members and three French-speaking members. Among the six members of the jury : two members from the cultural sector on the African continent, a Belgian Afro-descendant member, two members of Africalia’s team and a partner member of the Belgium program.
Innovation, inspiration, passion… La culture africaine est plus vivante que jamais. Soutenez nos projets. Faites un don et devenez membre de notre mouvement créatif !
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