Africalia’s star programme dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) will soon be launching its third edition. Apply for support from 19 October until 25 November 2023
The call in a blink of an eye
The Afrique Créative programme financed by AFD - Agence Française de Développement aims to support the development of African cultural and creative businesses in order to maximise their impact at local, national and international level. This year, the call has been extended to 12 eligible countries including Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia and Uganda.
The reward ?
*A technical support, in terms of strengthening entrepreneurial capacities, led by a local incubator
*E-learning training common to the entire cohort on various subjects (HR management, marketing, etc.)
*The possibility of pitching your acceleration project in front of a jury made up of cultural, institutional players and investors, who selects the 15 best projects for the rest of the program (technical support and financial support )
Visit Afrique Créative’s website for additional information and to apply >>