1000 Brussels

La Vitrine


La Vitrine

La Vitrine is a former sea container converted into a mobile exhibit hall. It will be installed in different locations in the center of Brussels during the summer/fall 2018.

Each exhibition will be shown during two or three weeks. Each venue will feature a new decor and new artists, especially Afro-descendants. La Vitrine is also a project including a series of animations, participatory activities and live performances that encourage people to meet each other and animate the neighbourhood.

2 showcases are planned this summer/fall 2018 and will present the work of 9 artists.

VITRINE 1 : Joachim G Damus (Photo) and Florence Akyams (Illustration). Location : Rue du Trône, 1000 Brussels (devant l’agence ING au croisement avec l’Avenue Marnix) - 24 August > 9 September 2018.

VITRINE 2 : Esohe Weyden (Poetry, drawing), Dauphine Raisin (Illustration) and May Li Sterkendries (Photo).
Location : Place Cardinal Mercier Kardinaal Mercierplein, 1090 Jette (Brussels) - 12 > 28 October 2018.

There will be special activities each weekend :

Fridays from 5:30 PM > 9:30 PM : artists’ meetings / DJs / live performances
Saturdays from 3:00 PM > 9:30 PM : artists’ meetings / participative workshops / live music / live performances

More information on the project

La Vitrine

La Vitrine is intended to be a reflection of a society where individuals are mixed by ancestral transmissions, past and present influences, multiple and varied encounters. The project aims to highlight the work of Afro-descendants artists at each edition. This project sets out to create groups of artists representative of our society, bringing into light artists of various origins to enable them to find a point of intersection in their personal roots and develop a joint creation on the theme of "cultural heritage".

La vitrine wants to take distance from the image of art galleries, often considered too cold. It defines itself as a new atypical exhibition space : the artists / collectives will not work from a place nor a pre-equipped and stereotyped structure but from meeting spaces created with and between audiences around artistic objects and performances. It is not a question here of entering a space with precise codes, but of being present in the street where codes are shared.

Presentation of the initiator

MangooPickle is a young organisation willing to promote the arts and culture by setting up projects with creative and original concepts. It aims to give the Belgian capital a new lease of life and wishes to bring a change in the Belgian leisure, cultural and entertainment sector. Its approach is to propose a new way of sharing, discovering and consuming art and culture addressed to all.


This project is one of the laureates of the Africalia’s 2018 call for proposals.