The Plateforme Culturelle du Burkina Faso (PCBF) today gathers five associations – Benebnooma, Espace Culturel Gambidi, Jazz à Ouaga, Umané Culture and Afrik’Heur. These organisations decided to join forces by combining their resources, competences and a number of their activities in order to pursue a common goal: the development of a sustainable economy for the arts and culture in Burkina.
Based in Ouagadougou, the PCBF works at defending the interests of its members and the cultural sector (notably to the authorities), the professionalisation of crafts of performing arts but also at providing technical and logistic support to decentralised initiatives.
PCBF promotes the decentralisation of the cultural sector by organising itinerant events such as the Caravane Jazz in Ouaga, Waga Hip Hop, the Nuits Atypiques de Koudougou and the Gambidi cultural centre. These diverse artistic and cultural initiatives profit to the Burkinabe populations (in both cities and villages) on the long term.
Programme 2017-2021: Africalia supports efforts to strengthen management skills in networking, administration and finances; training for sound technicians; advocacy work in the field of cultural policies and the decentralisation of cultural life.
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