KIKK Festival began in 2011 and focused on building bridges in art, creativity, science, culture, and technological innovation. KIKK is at the crosspoint between event organization, artistic production, and initiator of new creative projects. Every year, KIKK organizes the eponymous international festival in Namur, which celebrates digital practices in the broadest sense.
KIKK’s contribution to the program’s outcome will take place through the KIKK festival and will focus on the following:
1/ Organizing conferences and workshops on cultural decolonization and digital colonialism with the participation of African artists/researchers (including the diaspora).
2/ Organizing the exhibition AFRIKIKK. To deconstruct the paradigm of universal technology and standardized needs, KIKK aims to take into account African knowledge systems (including the diaspora) by approaching digital art from the current practices and research of African digital artists and by paying attention to themes such as Afrofeminism, Afrotopos, intangible heritage, etc.
Alice Massart Alice Massart