The Récréâtrales festival is a biannual manifestation dedicated to the performing arts during October and November in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The 2018 edition marks the tenth anniversary of the festival with ‘Braiding courage’ as its central theme. It also welcomes a new director for the festival: Aristide Tarnagda, Burkinese maker, author and director.
Aristide Tarnagda has known the Récréâtrales for many years and has never missed an edition of the festival, which staged several pieces to which he contributed.
We met with him during the MASA, the Market for Abidjan Performing Arts. The new foreman of the Récréâtrales is eager to accompany young artists in the development of co-productions with other festivals. He has a Pan-African plan for the Récréâtrales and has a vision for Africa as a circulation hub for African theatre pieces.
To learn more read the article by Audrey Brisack here below or download the article in pdf (in French).