On le temps pour nous by Senegalese director Katy Léna Ndiaye won the Best Documentary Film Award at the Luxor African Film Festival 2020.
This documentary was produced in 2019 by Africalia in co-production with Semfilms and Indigo Mood Films.
In October 2014, the revolt of the “Balai citoyen” led to the dismissal of the Burkinabé dictator Blaise Compaoré. Rapper Serge Bambara, known as Smockey, was among the insurgents. He is now considered to be one of the architects of this political change. On a le temps pour nous immerses us in the daily life of this iconic rapper.
Katy Léna Ndiaye est documentariste. Nous lui devons les deux opus Traces Empreintes de femmes et En attendant les hommes distingués dans de nombreux festivals. Parallèlement à son parcours de cinéaste, Katy Léna Ndiaye a travaillé pour la télévision. Journaliste de formation, elle a présenté puis réalisé Reflets Sud et Afrique Plurielle (de 2000 à 2018), productions du CIRTEF, diffusées sur TV5 Monde et la RTBF. Depuis 2013, elle pilote Indigo Mood films, une maison de production installée au Sénégal.
Katy Léna Ndiaye is a documentary maker. She already created two opuses Traces Empreintes de femmes and En attendant les hommes distinguished in numerous festivals. In addition to her career as a filmmaker, Katy Léna Ndiaye worked for television. As a journalist, she presented and produced Reflets Sud and Afrique Plurielle (from 2000 to 2018), CIRTEF productions, broadcast on TV5 Monde and RTBF. Since 2013, she has been coordinating Indigo Mood films, a film production company based in Senegal.
The documentary will be presented in the coming months at various festivals :
* May 7 at Afrika FilmFestival - Leuven
* May 15 at German International Ethnographic Film Festival
* during DOC-Cévennes - International documentary festival in Cévennes from May 20 to 23
* during the Millenium Documentary Film Festival which will take place from September 23 to October 1, 2020 in Brussels (new dates)
Production : AFRICALIA/BE, (Frédéric Jacquemin & Dorine Rurashitse)
Co-production : Abdoulaye Diallo (SEMFILMS/BF), Katy Léna Ndiaye (INDIGO MOOD FILMS/SE)
Direction : Katy Léna Ndiaye
Picture : Laszlo Bottiglieri
Sound : Mohamed Zerbo, Loic Villiot, Ousmane Coly, Aurélien Lebourg, Patrice Hardy
Editing : Geoffroy Cernaix
Sound designer and mix : Loïc Villiot
Post-production manager : Sahbi Kraiem