Menya Media

Since its creation in 2001, Menya Media has used music, radio, film, and the work of local artists to raise awareness, especially among young people related to sensitive issues such as HIV. Menya (which means "Know that...") considers culture to be a key element in changing mentalities, educating, promoting peace, and preserving a country’s cultural heritage.
Menya Media serves as a platform for artists and young people enabling them to achieve their ambitions and contribute to the development of their country.

Menya Média is an actor in the production and distribution of burundian artists. It encourages young people to develop an interest and learn more about innovative professions that can generate employment. It also participates in the professionalisation of the cultural and creative industry by strengthening technical and managerial skills.

development through communication and culture. ”

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Menya Média uses all modern and traditional means of communication including the media to set under the spotlights artists and their cultural potential in order to participate in the development of Burundi and its population.

Structurally, behind Menya Media lay twin sisters ’Non Profit organizations. Menya Média Burundi active since 2001 not only in Burundi but also in the Great Lakes region, Menya Média International based in Brussels since 2010. Menya Media is a young and dynamic team of young Burundians who use these structures as a platform to express themselves and develop their country and their talents.


email :
Quartier Asiatique, Avenue du Lac 7
Facebook : Menya Media