Crédits : Danny Willems / KVS

The KVS is Brussels’ city theatre. Practicing ‘urban theatre-making’, it embraces the city and its plurality and intends to amplify its artistic voice in the arts field. KVS has an open ensemble of theatre-makers, performers, directors, choreographers and authors. On the basis of an inclusive view of what art is capable of, KVS aims to be an intercultural, inter-generational and open-gender city theatre that resonates far beyond Brussels.

Through its partnership with Africalia and its Global Citizenship Education programme, the KVS seeks to forge links between North and South via urban theatre-making. KVS wishes to open its SLOW sessions (Slam Our World) to artists from Africa. SLOW will offer a unique take on different contemporary cities through workshops, meetings and synergies between both Brussels and an African capital.
SLOW #03 : KIN <> BRU (2018)


kristin.rogghe@kvs.be or tunde.adefioye@kvs.be
0032 (0)2 210 11 00

Website : www.kvs.be
Facebook : www.facebook.com/KVSbrussel
