Pingdwinde Paul Zoungrana

Burkina Faso - Theatre & Storytelling

Pingdwinde Paul Zoungrana

  • AGE : 35
  • COUNTRY of residence : BURKINA FASO

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A few words about your artistic journey

Director, actor and storyteller, I am a versatile artist who brings together several disciplines in his artistic practice. Among my creations, we can cite, among others, Story for cohesion and Peace, Parole de la muette, Parachutage, Les Archives Parlent, Macbeth, ... I direct today the Burkina Theater Research Institute (IRTB).

How long have you been an artist ?

I took my first steps in art in 1999-2000.

Why did you apply for this grant ? How will the grant support you ?

This grant allows me to realize a precious artistic project for me in this period when everything is suspended. It is an opportunity to continue, to resist, to dream and to contribute to building a better world.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency ?

Produce an audio show capsule of proverbs of 25 to 30 minutes ; promote a return to the sources, to traditions to feed the modern world and enhance the intangible heritage of Burkina Faso.