Tinwendhidé Pacôme Kaboré

Burkina Faso - Storytelling

Tinwendhidé Pacôme Kaboré

  • AGE : 30 years old
  • COUNTRY of residence : Burkina Faso
  • CITY : Ouagadougou
  • ARTISTIC DISCIPLINE : Storytelling

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A few words about your artistic journey

Graduated from the national institute of artistic and cultural training option : music, and the theater school of the Atelier Théâtre Burkinabé ATB, and trained through several training courses of storyteller and actor ; tireless gardener, I sow the seeds of my stories with young and old.

How long have you been an artist ?

I have been a professional artist since 2014.

Why did you apply for this grant ? How will the grant support you ?

I applied for this grant to have more means of creating and promoting my art which is storytelling and above all directing me to a new experiment.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency ?

Have a real space-time of artistic work with quality artistic speakers in order to experiment with new forms, visibility, find channels of dissemination and be able to integrate professional networks.

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