Christine Moukendi Misenga

Kenya - Writing & Trapeze

Christine Moukendi Misenga

  • AGE : 22
  • COUNTRY of residence : Kenya
  • CITY : Nairobi
  • ARTISTIC DISCIPLINE : Aerialist (trapeze) & Writing

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A few words about your artistic journey

My artistic journey wasn’t the smoothest, with a trapeze as a prop finding a stage to perform had always been a problem , making me sometimes envy people with less demanding prop. But my difficulties have made me a better writter.

How long have you been an artist ? I have been an artist for two years.

Why did you apply for this grant ? How will the grant support you ?

Having a chance to inspire the world through art during this pandemic is one of the reason I applied for this grant. The grant would be a great financial boost for me.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency ?

To create awareness of the aerial art in Kenya, create a free performance for street children and create more performances using storytelling on a trapeze.