Marie Clémentine Dusabejambo

Rwanda - Cinema

Marie Clémentine Dusabejambo

  • AGE : 33
  • COUNTRY of residence : Rwanda

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A few words about your artistic journey

My journey as a Filmmaker started in 2008 when I joined a group of young filmmakers in my neighborhood, Kigali. In 2010 I responded to a call-out for script competition by Tribeca film Institute in New York which I won and be able to make my First Short Film in 2011. I have a soft spot in everyday life, and my work as a storyteller attempts to make sense of the world. It’s an expression of happiness, pain, dreams, and frustration as I explore the dualities of Life.

How long have you been an artist ?

I have been an artist for about 11 years now.

Why did you apply for this grant ? How will the grant support you ?

When the coronavirus pandemic crisis started I felt the urge of telling the story as an African filmmaker but above all as human beings living in a historical era that will mark the world and may even change it. It is an urgent documentary, I have been filming and documenting events since the beginning of confinement without any funding. When I saw the Africalia " Creativity is Life" Fund I was at a point where I needed another supporting system to be able to bring to life this documentary film. This fund will support me in finalizing the production and post-production.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency ?

After this residency, I will continue to work on my first feature film development that i was working on before the crisis. This crisis has shown us that despite the limit, we can still be creative.