Wallace Juma

Kenya - Visual art

Wallace Juma

Wallace Juma

  • AGE : 32
  • COUNTRY of residence : Kenya
  • CITY : Nairobi
  • ARTISTIC DISCIPLINE : Visual artist
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The artist

A few words about your artistic journey

Studied at Buruburu Institute of Fine Art 2010 In his art, he uses an array of material and technique to visualize his message and thoughts. He exhibited his works in numerous art shows in east Africa, Europe, USA and Australia. Most recently won the ‘Manjano 2018’ first prize.

How long have you been an artist ?

I started my practice in 2012 as a commecial artist. Later transited into contemporary practise from 2015.

Why did you apply for this grant ? How will the grant support you ?

Being part of this generation of artist facing a pandemic, this grant presents an opportunity to express myself in this challenging period. It challenges me to explore other ways of being creative, reaching new audience while using my creativity, intelligence and resources to raise awareness in my community and beyond.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency ?

To use the experience and lessons of this time into steering my practice and using my work to influence social change while pushing for new frontiers in our global communities.

His residency

What did you achieve during this creative residency ? What is the result (created work) ? Who was involved in the creation process ?

I successfully came up with a new body of works under the project We breathe or we breathe. The series of work consisting of 13 new drawings is titled blossoms in orbit. It involved more than a dozen people living around the dumpsite who were willing to share their experiences about the pandemic, I used their stories to translate into new works. Workers at the dumpsite, assisted in collecting the magazines and selling to me. I had 1 assistant in the studio, 1 photographer and a carpenter who made picture frames.

How do you think these activities contribute to a reflection on today’s world, in relation to the COVID-19 crisis, and/or on the shaping of the future ?

I think the people of this generation are best placed to document and to tell the stories and experiences of their fears and triumphs during the Covid 19 crisis. It helps in shaping of the future by passing lessons of survival through the pandemic by publishing the materials we document today.

How did you feel during the residency ? And at the end of it ?

I felt honoured with the opportunity of being among the artist supported to document as well as express themselves during the hardship moment of our time. It Felt right and hopeful that my work as well as my experiences found a voice through this residency.

His artwork

We breathe or we breathe

Wallace Juma - i
Wallace Juma - ii
Wallace Juma - iii
Wallace Juma - iv
Wallace Juma - v
Wallace Juma - vi
Wallace Juma - vii
Wallace Juma - viii
Wallace Juma - ix
Wallace Juma - x
Wallace Juma - xi
Wallace Juma - xii
Wallace Juma - xiii