Marie Clémentine Dusabejambo

Rwanda - Cinema

Marie Clémentine Dusabejambo

Marie Clémentine Dusabejambo

  • AGE : 33
  • COUNTRY of residence : Rwanda
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The artist

A few words about your artistic journey

My journey as a Filmmaker started in 2008 when I joined a group of young filmmakers in my neighborhood, Kigali. In 2010 I responded to a call-out for script competition by Tribeca film Institute in New York which I won and be able to make my First Short Film in 2011. I have a soft spot in everyday life, and my work as a storyteller attempts to make sense of the world. It’s an expression of happiness, pain, dreams, and frustration as I explore the dualities of Life.

How long have you been an artist ?

I have been an artist for about 11 years now.

Why did you apply for this grant ? How will the grant support you ?

When the coronavirus pandemic crisis started I felt the urge of telling the story as an African filmmaker but above all as human beings living in a historical era that will mark the world and may even change it. It is an urgent documentary, I have been filming and documenting events since the beginning of confinement without any funding. When I saw the Africalia " Creativity is Life" Fund I was at a point where I needed another supporting system to be able to bring to life this documentary film. This fund will support me in finalizing the production and post-production.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency ?

After this residency, I will continue to work on my first feature film development that i was working on before the crisis. This crisis has shown us that despite the limit, we can still be creative.

Her residency

What did you achieve during this creative residency ? What is the result (created work) ? Who was involved in the creation process ?

During the Creative residency, I have been able to continue working on a documentary idea I had when the global pandemic started. I was more interested in the psyche around the coronavirus. With the “Creativity Is life” grant, I have been able to finish the images shooting, working on a reflective voice-over narration of the documentary, and also able to start the post-production process and now I come out of the residency with a draft of the film.

How do you think these activities contribute to a reflection on today’s world, in relation to the COVID-19 crisis, and/or on the shaping of the future ?

I think the subject matter of the documentary film reflects today’s world. Being able to work with other artists who were in a need of job during this crisis, It gives a sense of care and value.

How did you feel during the residency ? And at the end of it ?

During the residency, I felt the luck to be able to cover some expenses of the project and also bringing other people on board, sharing with them moments of reflections on what is happening now helped to stay strong mentally and continue working on this work. Making a documentary film is a long journey and being able to receive this fund helped to make a big step toward the vision of what I want this documentary film story and quality-wise.

Her artwork
