Insa Bodian

Senegal - Theatre & Dance

Insa Bodian

Insa Bodian

  • AGE : 31
  • COUNTRY of residence : Senegal
  • CITY : Ziguinchor
  • ARTISTIC DISCIPLINE : Theater & Dance
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The artist

A few words about your artistic journey

Trained in acting, in the Performing Arts, in social intervention theater techniques. I am the artistic director of the Karengu theater company of Diabir in Casamance. I am currently collaborating with the Belgian choreographer Céline Curvers on a solo dance theater project (creation in 2020-2021)

How long have you been an artist ?

From 2012 (after the magnificent meeting with the Belgian director Armel Roussel) until today, and again tomorrow ...

Why did you apply for this grant ? How will the grant support you ?

This scholarship gives me a vital boost. The only way for me to continue creating in the current survival context linked to Covid-19.
This grant will allow me to express through my artistic practice everything that has changed in me since confinement.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency ?

Continue to create in the public space to reach the greatest number and allow social connection.
Continue to invent a personal body language linked to my story.

His residency

What did you achieve throughout this creative residency ? What is the result (created work) ? Who was involved in the creation process ?

Thanks to the Africalia grant, I was able to begin the exploration and finalize the writing of a dance phrase that will be shared in the public space. To be able to reach as many spectators as possible, I have photo mapped the places that will be chosen to share the work with the public.

Also, thanks to the grant, I was able to deepen my artistic exploration, directly related to the Corona, and look for a movement phrase inspired by confinement (in my room, indoors).

The people involved are :

  • Céline Curvers, a Belgian choreographer, with whom a work of theater-dance composition had been initiated in Ziguinchor before the confinement. Despite the distance, she was able to give me feedback and continue to support me throughout the creative process.
  • Old Captain, secretary of the Cie Karengu de Diabir who lent me a room to be closer to the rehearsal place.
  • Sané Lansana, who always escorts me everywhere with the phone to film the work steps.
  • Papa Mandian, who helps me with all the technical aspects

How do you think these activities allow people to reflect on today’s world : regarding the COVID-19 crisis, and/or the shaping of the tomorrow ?

I believe that the results obtained throughout the residency can open a deep reflection on the world we live in. Indeed, I believe in the power of the artistic activity’s impact on people.
The choreography’s elements are made of strong visuals that reflect my concerns : an elastic rope that ties my feet while I dance (to show the submission that our leaders impose on us), a jacket with plastic bags on my back (to show the incoherence of waste management), a mask that covers my face (which refers to Covid 19 but also to our leaders’ lack of listening skills regarding the cultural, health and educational’s issues.).

How did you feel during the residency ? And afterwards ?

During the residency, I managed to find a lot of energy for the project. I also found consistency methodologically speaking. I organized my planning in a very constructive way, the scholarship allowing me to fully dedicate myself to this project. I was able to take the time to try new things. As I did a lot of theater creations, and out of my dance researches, I found a new language of expression linked to movement, to the use of the body. This, to free myself from the tensions I felt (and keep on feeling) from confinement.

I am happy with the result even if I have to admit that I encountered difficulties due to the loneliness in front of the artwork (the lack of contact with my artist friends) and difficulties due to the weather. Heavy rains made outdoor work challenging at times. Fortunately, I was able to overcome this thanks to the support I received from those around me.