I’m a singer, songwriter and guitarist from Kampala, Uganda. My passion for music and visual Art begun at an early and I have been practicing both and found away to merge the two into my current daily work.
I have been an Artist for over 10 years now and transitioned to music production and digital Art.
I applied for this grant because it provides a platform for African Artists to showcase different disciplines in a away that allows the Art to speak for itself and show case stories that have not been told yet which i believe the world needs to see and hear.
My conrete Artistic objectives are to create an ecosystem that more than one Artist can benefit from because i believe it is key if we want to see growth in the industry. I would do this through the skills i have and with people that can help build that vision.
During this residency I set out to write, compose, record and produce three songs I felt best encapsulated and highlighted what polarized, affected and was subject to conversation during the pandemic. The old age negative narrative about African incompetence and its inability to handle the spread of the Virus. The misuse of Public funds by politicians and Government which was rampant and the effect this period has had on mental health with an increased report of depression.
To give more life to the project I went ahead to collaborate with two visual Artists. A virtual realist known as Migisha Boyd and a videographer and Director known as Kihire Kennedy with their interpretation of the songs meant to widen perspectives where audios were limited.
The project in total having 2 videos, A virtual reality interactive Artpiece and three songs.
This activity allowed and afforded me the time to create conscious music which best represents the ideas I set out with. Nina Simone once said “it is the duty of an Artist to reflect the times they live in” and I wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity as an Artist and not do exactly that.
Music does shape perceptions more than we like to admit. I wondered what Artists like Bob Marley, Marvin Gaye, Fela Kuti, Miriam Makeba or Lucky Dube who were all champions of social justice would say in times like this and went to work knowing my contribution would push this forward in a certain sense.
These activities create awareness and place spotlights on subjects more conversations should held around in hopes that what will need to be fixed by those that can will happen and this being my contribution to that.
There was a sense of fulfilment because I said what I needed to say without the worry of if it was marketable to the mainstream which bottle necks creativity most of the time. Being able to express myself was freeing. The end of it gave me a sense of satisfaction because I was able to do 90% of what I set out to do. Art is never completed, it can always be tweaked and changed till you let go. However I did accomplish the set goals in terms of volume.
Verse 1
Finally you can see, I never had intentions to set you free
Money and power, so addictive, given my position you would agree
Elections got to be funded, from irrelevant taxes you are not exempted
So please don’t be tempted. To riot or protest
Cause I won’t hesitate, to make you bleed, I will make you bleed.
I’m a career politician, politricking
I’m a career politician, what’s yours is mine for the taking.
I’m a career politician, politicking
I’m a career politician, cant you see that I’m faking it.
Verse 2
It’s a lock down and curfew for you
But my privilege affords me a different view
You say I’m out of touch with reality,
News flash I don’t care what you think of me
I will bend laws to my will, the bribe is my shield
Fear I instill, that’s the order of the day.
The Monsters aint under your bed, they are in your head
Battlefield of the mind, emotional landmines
civil war, with your spirit and soul
That’s how depressions seeks, to take control
Paralyzed and betrayed by your thoughts
Crushing weight of expectations,
Anxiety, look what you’ve done to me
Depression seeks to take control.
You are not a lone don’t despair, drowning in this fear
You are not alone don’t despair, drowning in your tears
Faith of a mustard seed, that is what you need x 2
Verse 2
The world is a crazy place, projecting all its pain
Collateral that’s who we are, taking shrapnel when it rains
Illusive empathy, you can’t feel it , when you need it
They say, love don’t live here anymore.
You are not a lone don’t despair, drowning in this fear
You are not alone don’t despair, drowning in your tears
Faith of a mustard seed, that is what you need x 4
Learn to forgive your self
There’s no shame in needing help
When depression seeks to take control
Verse 1
Otabaleka, bakurubate hamutwe
Otabaleka , bakurabyemu amiso
Obwongo bukozese , amiso gasomese
Amaguru garubase, oyegge
Ogaruke, emikono gyombeke
emikono gyombeke eh eh eh hehe
(Alkebulan) that’s where were from, that’s who we are x 4
Verse 2
Weeeee, come from a place of nobility
seeee, you are the standard of beauty
They say heavy is the head that wears the crown
Explains why my natural afro stays this way, when I move that way
So no inferiority complex we conquer my state of mind,
Pristine destination, land of diverse nations
But whenever they televise, hmm hmm, Misinformation !!
(Alkebulan) that’s where were from, that’s who we are x 4
Oh Africa, do you know who you are, do you know who you are ?
Change your story, reclaim your glory
Generations coming after, Let me read a different chapter x 2
Oh Alkebulan.
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