From urban dances between 1998-2005, I participated in multiple formations with many recognized choreographers such as : Laurence Levasseur, Germaine Acogny, Angelin Preljocaj, Irène Tassembedo, Salia-ni-Seydou and many others. First promotion of professional dancer-interpreter after three years of intensive training at EDIT from 2009-2012.
For 15 years ; from 1998, I fell in love with dance but I professionalize myself through various training since 2005.
It’s a challenge, just like when I participate in many auditions ; and the distribution network that Africalia can offer to my work.
Given the current situation regarding my canceled dates in Europe, I have to stay active and continue to work.
My goal is that the choreography that I will propose will be a complete creation, intended only for this project, on a musical style rarely used in contemporary choreographic creations.
This residency grant is an indispensable tool to strengthen the artist’s capacity in his creativity and perspectives for dialogue with the world through his art. My objective was to create a choreographic work dedicated to CREATIVITY IS LIFE despite the technical constraints related to COVID-19.
This residency resulted in a complete creation intended only for this project, on a musical style rarely exploited in contemporary choreographic creations. It is presented in the form of a video capsule of approximately 4 Mn. It shows me dancing in the daylight to bring the idea of shadow play with the Ouagadougou dam in the background.
I hired a team of RASCA-PROD video/photo for the identification of the location as well as the aesthetic and technical aspect of the work during my residency and the realization of the final work. I also hosted local professional dancers to provide me with a critical artistic perspective to bring my performance closer to perfection.
Given the situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic in my country and everywhere else, the arts as a whole and cross-cultural connections are for me the best means to invite everyone who has lived through this pandemic period to have a real awareness of who we are, what role we have to play in life and how we can together imagine rebuilding a new and better healthy life for ourselves and for future generations.
To this end, I can only rely on my art to address the issue. It is not through shadow play that I am trying to touch the sensitivity of the human being. It is through gestures sometimes poetic, sometimes angry, that I invite this awareness. Moreover, Dance gives freedom to everyone’s imagination as to the interpretation that one can make of a performance.
I experienced this creative residency as a relief of mind, as if through my art I was bringing a remedy to humanity against COVID-19.
When I left the residency, on the filming location of the final work, on the banks of the Tanghin Dam in Ouagadougou, passers-by, the inhabitants of the surrounding area, witnessed the achievement. Beautiful reactions on the faces and the joy manifested on the spot convinced me that this residence is a success but also a necessity to be done. I can only be optimistic and proud to have accomplished a mission like this, thanks to this CREATIVITY IS LIFE grant from Africalia.
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