The European project to support the cultural sector in Burundi has the mission to strengthen the actors of the cultural sector and their actions in Burundi. It is led by a Burundian and Belgian consortium Menya Media, Adisco-MDE et Africalia.
An economic sector that is still underexploited in sub-Saharan Africa, the cultural and creative industries constitute a sustainable, unlimited and non-polluting economic lever. Moreover, they are a particular attraction for women and youth, whose employment must be a priority for Africa, especially in Burundi.
It is in this sense that the PASACC-BU (Projet d’Appui Sectoriel aux Acteurs Culturels et Créatifs) implemented in Bujumbura, Ngozi and Gitega aims to strengthen the actors of the cultural sector and their actions in Burundi, so as to produce an impact in terms of quality and quantity on the cultural sector, civil society organizations, economic and social development, job creation and access and awareness of the Burundian population to cultural products and creations.
The project is structured around three areas of intervention :
1 Strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit and capacities of Burundian cultural operators, via "start-up" and "scale-up" entrepreneurship programs.
2 Strengthen the managerial, technical, artistic and dissemination capacities of Burundian cultural actors and operators in the long term, through managerial, technical, artistic and financial training, and support for small and medium-scale cultural projects.
3 Strengthen the access of Burundian cultural actors and operators to international cultural markets and networks, through mobility grants and experience capitalization workshops
Menya Media develops activities that allow the talents and creativity of Burundian youth to express themselves. Its approach and achievements make Menya Media an important player in civil society, on issues of youth employability and especially the development of the cultural sector in Burundi. It also participates in the professionalization of the cultural and creative sector by strengthening the technical and managerial skills of operations in this field.
The Association " Appui au Développement Intégral et la Solidarité sur les Collines ", ADISCO in acronym, is a nonprofit organisation under Burundian law that aims to be a support tool for the self-promotion of populations. It is structured in two main units : PROMOUVH (Program for the reinforcement of the Haguruka movement) and the MDE (House of the entrepreneur). The MDE’s mission is to develop the 3rd pillar of the Haguruka movement, the movement of entrepreneurs and craftsmen. It works mostly with rural and urban youth and accompanies them from the identification of the idea to the development of the business with the ultimate goal of creating their own employment and for other young people. These young entrepreneurs can be "agripreneurs" or in non-agricultural trades.
Collective of Producers for the Development of Audiovisual and Cinema (COPRODAC), Chambre Sectorielle d’Art et Artisanat (CHASAA), Amicale des Musiciens du Burundi (AMB), Tubiyage. These associated entities participate in the selection of projects and applications, the transmission and dissemination of relevant information and in prospective moments with regard to the sector and the operators.
More info about this project : Here