25th edition of FESPACO

The 25th edition of FESPACO (Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou) will occur from February the 25th till March the 4th 2017. It will focus on the following theme “Training in Cinema and Audiovisual Trades.”

As each two years, Africalia is pleased to welcome the FESPACO team in Brussels to promote the African cinema biennial with a press conference and a special evening dedicated to African cinema on Tuesday January the 17th 2017.

Press conference in Brussels : FESPACO 2017 – 17 January 2017, 10:30 AM – Espace Wallonie de Bruxelles (!!! change of location)

This year, the press conference of the 25th edition will take place at 10:30 AM at the Espace Wallonie (rue du Marché aux Herbes 25-27 Grasmarkt straat, 1000 Brussels). It is aimed mainly at journalists and cinema and audiovisual professionals.


Special FESPACO evening in Brussels – 17 January 2017, 20:00 PM – KVS

Before the 25th Edition of the FESPACO, we are pleased to invite you to share a special evening dedicated to African Cinema, with the screening of “La sirène de Faso Fani” by Michel K. Zongo (2014, 89 minutes, French language), on Tuesday January 17th 2017 at 8PM at KVS (KVS BOX, Arduinkaai 7 Quai aux Pierres de Taille, 1000 Brussels).

For years the Faso Fani factory in Koudougou produced excellent quality loincloths and made Burkina Faso’ renown. Following the closing down of the factory in 2001, the film director decided to meet ex-employees in order to highlight the socio-economic consequences of such decisions.

Awards : Fespaco (BF), Festival International of documentary of Innsbruck (AT), Festival Ciné Droit Libre (BF)
Shortlisted : IDFA (NL), Encounters (ZA), Berlinale 2015 (DE), Cordoba African Film Festival-FCAT (ES), FICIP Buenos Aires (AR), DokFestMunchen (DE), Durban International Film Festival (ZA).

More info : Sirene de Faso Fani
Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4UZvCxF28s

Reservation is required to both events. Tuesday, January 6th 2015 by email : lise.surmont@africalia.be or fax : +32 2 412 58 90

Réservation is required to both events. Please RSVP before Friday January the 13th 2017 by email : serine.mekoun@africalia.be or telephone +32 (0)2 412 58 87 or fax +32 (0)2 412 58 90.



Fespaco is considered as one of the biggest film events on the African continent. This biennial event brings together all the uneven years and for one week, African and not – African professionals and festival – goers from all over the world sharing one common factor : the African film and African Diaspora. During this great film manifest, various film competitions are organised and professionals of the seventh art demonstrate their expertise and excellence to put the African cinema on the international stage. It is both a cultural event, through art and cultural expression, as a festive event with thousands of festival – goers who meet together every two years to communicate, to build relationships, to exchange expertise and to reinvent themselves.



This FESPACO Event in Brussels is a collaboration between the Embassy of Burkina Faso, WBI (Wallonia-Brussels International), Africalia, KVS, the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States, CEC ONG, FIFF (International Francophone Film Festival), Afrika Filmfestival and Festival International du film d’Amour de Mons.