9th edition of MASA - Marché des Arts du Spectacle Africain

The 9th edition of MASA (Marché des Arts du Spectacle Africain) will occur from the 5th till the 12th of March 2015. It will focus on the following theme “Reinventing the Performing Arts.”
Africalia is pleased to welcome the MASA team in Brussels to promote the African market with a conference (journalists, institutions and general public) and a presentation (exclusively aimed at programmers) on Tuesday the 1st of December 2015.
With a series of photos, MASA will present its goals and the (...)


The 9th edition of MASA (Marché des Arts du Spectacle Africain) will occur from the 5th till the 12th of March 2015. It will focus on the following theme “

Reinventing the Performing Arts


Africalia is pleased to welcome the MASA team in Brussels to promote the African market with a conference (journalists, institutions and general public) and a presentation (exclusively aimed at programmers) on Tuesday the 1st of December 2015.

With a series of photos, MASA will present its goals and the programme. 70 companies from Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific, America and Europe represent five disciplines : storytelling, dance, comedy, music and theatre.

Conference in Brussels : MASA 2016 – 1 December 2015, 10:30 AM – Secretariat of the ACP Group of States

The conference of the 9th edition will take place at 10:30 AM at the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States (Avenue Georges Henri 451 Georges Henrilaan, 1200 Brussels – Room C). It is aimed at journalists, institutions and general public.

After the conference, a

cocktail will be served offered by Africalia.

Please confirm your attendance by email masabxl@africalia.be or phone +32 2 412 58 80, before 28/11/2015 (reservation mandatory).

Lieu :

Secretariat of the ACP Group of States (Room C), Avenue Georges Henri 451 Georges Henrilaan, 1200 Brussels
Public transport : Metro Merode ou premetro Georges Henri 

Presentation of MASA 2016 (exclusively aimed at programmers) in Brussels – 1 December 2015, 3:00 PM – Les Halles de Schaerbeek

This presentation of MASA 2016 will take place at 3:00 PM in Les Halles de Schaerbeek (Rue Royale Sainte-Marie 22a Sinte-Mariastraat 22a, 1030 Brussels). It is exclusively aimed at programmers.

After the presentation,


will be served.

Please confirm your attendance by email masabxl@africalia.be or phone +32 2 412 58 80, before 28/11/2015 (reservation mandatory).

Location :

Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Rue Royale Sainte-Marie 22a Sinte-Mariastraat 22a, 1030 Brussels

About MASA

Le MASA est un programme de développement culturel des arts du spectacle africain. Ses objectifs sont à titre principal : le soutien à la création et à la production de spectacle de qualité ; la facilitation de la circulation des créateurs et leur production en Afrique et dans le monde ; la formation des artistes et des opérateurs de la chaine de production des spectacles ; le développement du secteur des arts de la scène (Musique, Théâtre, Danse) relevant du continent africain.


MASA is welcomed in Brussels by Africalia, in collaboration with the Embassy of Ivory Coast, the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States, les Halles de Schaerbeek, Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre /Danse and Kunstenpunt.