EXHIBITION ‘Mabele eleki lola ! The earth, brighter than paradise’

At AfricaMuseum

Belgique - RD Congo

EXHIBITION ‘Mabele eleki lola ! The earth, brighter than paradise’

Together with Africalia, AfricaMuseum is organizing the first temporary exhibition since it reopened in December 2018 in order to promote artists and cultural actors from Africa.

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AfricaMuseum invites Kinshasa artist Freddy Tsimba to enter a dialogue with the museum’s collections. The exhibit is curated by writer In  Koli Jean Bofane, with the scientific contribution of Henry Bundjoko, director of the Musée national de la République démocratique du Congo – Kinshasa.

The title of the exhibit, ‘Mabele eleki lola ! The earth, brighter than paradise’, expresses the urgency of living in the here and now, and to the resilience demonstrated by Congolese people day after day.

Tsimba’s monumental works come into dialogue for the first time with the museum’s collections. The artist thus pays homage to the work of traditional sculptors and smiths alike. In this exceptional encounter, twenty-two installations by Freddy Tsimba come face to face with thirty museum pieces.

The curator presents a face-to-face encounter between the memories contained in the ethnographic pieces and the spirit of Freddy Tsimba’s work. For the artist, the museum’s pieces hold memories that are waiting to come alive. African artists and intellectuals have always been interested in the museum’s collections. Opening this heritage to new studies, reflections, and reappropriations is a crucial step in the process of transforming the museum and its collections.

The exhibition will take place from October 29, 2020 to Februari, 2021.

More info and tickets HERE