Call for proposals 2018

Global Citizenship Education tools


Call for proposals 2018 : co-creating Global Citizenship Education tools in Belgium

Africalia launches a call for proposals of artistic tools with an objective of Global Citizenship Education. Those cultural instruments must invite an audience to reflect on Global Citizenship and Solidarity, applied to the art and culture sector in Belgium. Particular attention will be paid to the dynamics of cultural hybridity emphasizing contemporary creations by artists in Belgium of African origin or from the Sub-Saharan African diaspora.

Find out who are the winners of Africalia’s 2018 call for proposals :

Crédits : Africalia

Africalia is convinced that the concept of “hybrid” now transcends the issue of identity accessories and applies to a large number of domains, such as that of citizenship, referring to a heterogeneous rearrangement of spaces, of political organisations and our societies.

The project proposals will be adjudicated on artistic merit, and in particular on their potential to become awareness-raising instruments on the role that art and culture can play in confronting social dysfunctionalities, pointing at the global challenges of our society and to reflect on ways to reinvent our societies in creative and artistic ways.

Find out who are the winners of Africalia’s 2018 call for proposals :