FIFF - Cinéma Parents non admis

Screening "Mateso"


Cinéma Parents non admis

Within the framework of the partnership between FIFF and Africalia, a short film will be screened during the 4th and last session of Cinéma Parents non admis (Cinema not approved for parents).

"Mateso" by the collectif caméra etc. is shown on 21 April 2018 at 9:30 AM at the Cultural Centre of Namur.


Cinéma Parents non admis is a cycle of four screenings, at the initiative of FIFF and the Cultural Centre of Namur, for children ages 6 to 12.

Christophe Challe and Vincent Pagé, directors and actors, accompany their young audience through the magical universe of the 7th Art. They take them on a playful and interactive journey through the themes of the short films.

It is an original way to sharpen the critical mind, through an exploration of unknown worlds. To FIFF, it is a matter of honour to feature a film from the South during every show.

For the screening of 21 April 2018, we get to see a film on the African theme :

"Mateso" by the collectif caméra etc. (Belgium – Animation – 8 mins.) : A child is born somewhere in Africa. His mother smiles at him. The war breaks out. Mother is worried and loses her smile. The child wants nothing more than to return it to her. They flee their country and find themselves in a refugee camp in a neighbouring country, but the violence does not go away. The child revolts. Chased by the men in the camp, they run again. When they arrive in Europe, they hope their situation will improve. After a long time in a closed detention centre, a letter finally arrives.