Same Same

but Different

Belgique - Panafricain

Same Same but Different

SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT is an international festival organised by our partner Vooruit, CAMPO, NTGent, Gouvernement and Black Speaks Back in collaboration with the Africa Platform of Ghent University and Africalia.

During 11 days, we invite you to discover a programme of multidisciplinary events featuring concerts, talks, parties, dance and theatre performances. The festival focuses on the relationship between Ghent/Flanders/Belgium/Europen and different Southern realities, with a particular attention to the African continent.

Join us to think together about a possible future where, to quote philosopher Achille Mbembé, "identity is not essential because we are all passers-by". Same Same. But Different.

Check the complete programme in the brochure or on the website of Vooruit :
