“Shadows / PushPull” is a diptych presented by Dunia Dance Theatre on the theme of immigration : the first part looks at the possible causes for a strong desire to emigrate and the second, at the realities of an immigrant living in the West, how he is perceived and how he is transformed by the experience. 8 student dancers and 1 singer/musician from Zimbabwe will be on stage with the artists from Dunia Dance based in Belgium. They include an African storyteller, 4 dancers, 2 circus artists (...)
“Shadows / PushPull” is a diptych presented by Dunia Dance Theatre on the theme of immigration : the first part looks at the possible causes for a strong desire to emigrate and the second, at the realities of an immigrant living in the West, how he is perceived and how he is transformed by the experience. 8 student dancers and 1 singer/musician from Zimbabwe will be on stage with the artists from Dunia Dance based in Belgium. They include an African storyteller, 4 dancers, 2 circus artists and musicians.
Dunia Dance was in Zimbabwe in April and May 2014 teaching workshops and leading a creative workshop for 14 artists of the Dance Trust Zimbabwe’s Dance Foundation Course (DTZ/DFC). The Belgian Organisation Africalia has supported this Course for several years to train young dancers and assist them in becoming professional dancers.
This recent collaboration led to the creation of “Baobab Shadows”, a dance theatre piece presented at the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) in May 2014 and invited to take part in the “Dance Umbrella Festival” in Johannesburg South Africa, this August.
Impressed by the talent and enthusiasm of these young dancers, Dunia Dance decided to invite 8 of them to take part in a series of 7 performances in Belgium and to organise classes and workshops for them with local teachers and artists.
Fr 24 October 2014 - 20:00 Africalia Night
Sa 25 October 2014 - 20:00
Su 26 October 2014 - 16:00
Centre Culturel Cité Culture
Allée du Rubis, Cité Modèle - 1020 Bruxelles
Tickets 15€ (adults) / 12€ (others)
Info & reservations : T 02 479 84 99 / info@citeculture.be
Sa 1st November 2014 - 20 :00
Theater aan de Stroom
Blancefloerlaan 181/B - 2050 Antwerp (Linkeroever)
Tickets 16€ / 12€ (others)
Info & reservations : T 070 22 33 30 / info@theateraandestroom.be
Fr 7, Sa 8 November 2014 - 20:00
Espace Delvaux
Place Keym, 1170 Bruxelles
Tickets 16€ / 12€ (seniors) / 10€ (unemployed & under 26) /
1,25€ (Article 27)
Info : T 02 663 85 50
Reservations : T 02 672 14 39 / www.lavenerie.be – www.ticketnet.be
Fr 14 November 2014 - 20:30
Centre Culturel de Gembloux
Rue du Moulin 55/B - 5030 Gembloux
Tickets 14€ (adults) / 12€ (others) / 1,25€ (Article 27)
Info & reservations : T 081 61 38 38 / centreculturel.gembloux@skynet.be
Choreography : Harold George
Assistant : William Bobongo
With : Gaël Ravedovitz, Vincent Kuentz, Véronique Liévin, Manibi Koné, Kirby Chipembere, Nadège Liénard, Enrico Astegiano et les danseurs/chanteurs du DFC Zimbabwe
Video : Antoine Panier